Card types
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There are 4 different types of cards: Headquarter, Entity, Place and Action. Every card has exactly one card type.
Cards can have the following properties: Name, Cost, Class, Card type, Tag, Ability, Delay, Damage and Health. Not every card has all of those properties.
In the design guidelines, you can learn how the different card types and properties are visually represented.
Headquarter (HQ)
HQ cards define your play style. You have only one HQ in your deck and it is active on the game board from the start of the match. It is like Commanders in Magic and Heroes in Hearthstone combined, so its impact on the archetype of a deck is great.
All HQs have Health. When the HQ’s Health goes to 0, the player loses the game.
All HQs have periodic abilities: Grow, Produce and Insight. These abilities do not count towards the maximum amount of keywords allowed on a card and are therefore not displaced in the card’s text box.
HQs have a Delay. Delay signals the turns until which all abilities of the HQ are inactive. (For example: HQ with Delay 3 —> “On spawn” abilities of the HQ trigger in the 3rd turn.)
HQs have the Grow ability, which determines the increase of the Size each turn. HQs have a Size counter, which indicates the amount of Mana that is produced in that turn. Unless otherwise specified, HQs start with the Size of 1. (For example: HQ with Grow 2 —> By turn 4 the Size increases to 4*2=8, hence the HQ produces 8 Mana that turn.)
HQs have the Insight ability. Unless otherwise specified, HQs have Insight 4. This draws 1 card each turn.
Entities can have Damage and Health. An Entity can deal damage to Entities, Places or HQs. When the Entity’s Health goes to 0, it is moved to the Dust Pile.
Entities can have both activated and triggered abilities.
Entities can be played from the player’s hand during the Commit Segment. When playing an Entity, the player has to choose a Lane for it to enter. Entities enter the game board immediately. If this causes abilities to trigger, the effects of those abilities are put into the Queue. Entities can swap lanes once a turn during the Laning Segment. Entities can also enter the game board by effects during other game phases.
Place cards are Permanents. In other games cards like our Places are rare to find, only Planeswalkers from Magic are similar.
Places have Health.
Places can have both activated and triggered abilities.
Places can be played from the player’s hand during the Commit Segment. Places enter the game board immediately. If this causes abilities to trigger, the effects of those abilities are put into the Queue. Places can also enter the game board due to effects during other game phases.
Entity cards stay in the game and can attack and defend. They are the equivalent Monsters, Creatures or Minions in other games.
Action cards are played and have effects that happen immediately. In other games these are often called Spells or Sorceries.
Actions can be played from the player’s hand during the Commit Segment. After the action cards are played, they move into the Graveyard and the effects are put into the Queue.