Card structure
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The components of a card are Name, Cost, Class, Illustration, Types, Abilities, Attack and Health.
1) Name
The name of the card is displayed in the Namebar in the middle of the card.
2) Costs
The cost of a card is displayed by the number in the top left corner. The cost determines how much Mana has to be spent to play the card. Every card (besides HQ’s) has costs. Costs can also be 0. Cards can have additional Costs such as sacrificing entities or discarding cards. These are displayed in the Textbox (7).
3) Delay
HQ’s have a delay, which is indicated by a number in the top left corner of the card. Abilities of the HQ are inactive or delayed until the turn number equals the delay. (For example: 1. HQ with Delay 3 -> “On spawn” abilities of the HQ trigger in the 3rd turn).
4) Classes
Every card belongs to at least one class which is displayed by the class symbol in the top right corner. If there are two or more class symbols displayed, the card belongs to the respective classes and mix-classes. The four classes are Technology, Mysticism, Culture, and Nature. The combination of two or more classes result in their respective mix-classes.
5) Tagline
The tagline is in the footer of a card. A card must have at least one tag, and can have up to three. Tags have no immediate impact on the game, but some effects can reference a certain tag.
6) Textbox
The textbox is located in the bottom half of the card. 206.2 The textbox contains the abilities of the card.
7) Illustration
The illustration has no impact on the game.
Permanent cards have values. All permanents have a “Health” value in the bottom right corner of the card. Entities also have an “Attack” value in the bottom left corner of the card.
8) Damage
Damage can only be applied in combat or by effects. HQ’s, Places and Entities can receive Damage. Fighting Entities deal their attack value to each other as damage.
9) Health
Damage reduces the health value of the receiving card. If the health value of a card is reduced to 0 or less, it “dies”. This means the card is put into the Dustpile from the field.