Turn Structure

Turn Structure


Both players play their turn simultaneously. Most gameplay decisions are hidden to the other player, until they're resolved in the corresponding phase.


A turn consists of three phases: Starting Phase, Main Phase and Battle Phase. The Phases consist of multiple segments and occur in every turn.

Starting Phase

The Starting Phase consists of two Segments in the following order: Supply Segment and Resolve Segment.

Supply Segment

At the beginning of each turn, your HQ produces 4 Wisdom, which lets you draw one card. It also produces Mana, which grows each turn, depending on the Growth and Size of the HQ. (If your HQ has a Growth of 1, you’ll produce 1 Mana in turn 1, 2 Mana in turn 2 and so on.) Additionally, Effects of Periodic Abilities are activated and lined up in the Trigger Queue.

Resolve Segment

During the Resolve Segment of the Starting Phase, the effects which do not require targets and only affect cards on its controller’s side of the game board are resolved from the Trigger Queue. All other effects remain in the Queue.

Main Phase

The Main Phase consists of three Segments in the following order: Commit Segment, Target Segment and another Resolve Segment.

Commit Segment

Both players now play their hand cards at the same time. The Commit Segment is also the only time when players can activate abilities. The gameplay decisions are hidden to the opponent until the beginning of the next public Segment. Cards and effects from activated abilities, which only affect cards in zones of the controller of that effect, resolve immediately. Cards and activated abilities that affect cards in the opponent's zones are collected in the Trigger Queue. Effects of triggered abilities are collected in the Trigger Queue, no matter whose zones are affected. The Commit Segment ends, when the players lock in their gameplay decisions by pressing the Commit Button.

Target Segment

At the beginning of the Target Segment all actions taken and all public information is revealed. Then players can choose targets for effects which affect cards in the player’s zone secretly. Then they can choose targets for effects that target cards in opponent zones secretly.

Resolve Segment

During the second Resolve Segment, effects which affect the player of the effect are resolved first. Effects that affect the opponent are resolved afterwards. Effects of abilities that are triggered in this Resolve Segment are again collected in the Queue. All of this happens automatically unless the player is promoted to make a gameplay decision.

Battle Phase

The Battle Phase consists of three Segments in the following order: the Lane-Switch Segment, a second Target Segment and a third Resolve Segment.

Lane-Switch Segment

At the Beginning of the Laning Segment triggered abilities such as “Battlecry” are triggered. Afterwards players can assign their entities to the other lane.

Target Segment

At the beginning of the Target Segment all public Information is revealed. Then players can choose targets for effects which affect cards on their zones. Afterwards they can secretly choose targets for effects that target cards in opponent zones. At the same time, players can choose or change priorities - choose the order in which Places shall be attacked by unblocked Entities before they hit the HQ. If a player chooses no priorities, the HQ is attacked by default.

Resolve Segment

During the third Resolve Segment, again, the effects that affect the controller of the effect are resolved first. Afterwards all other effects are resolved.

Finally, the entities fight. Entities in the Attack Lane of both players fight against the entities in the same position in the opponent's Defense Lane. Entities in the Attack Lane, that have no opposing entity, deal damage to the opponents HQ or a place that has been chosen as priority. Entities in the Defense Lane, that have no opposing entity, deal no damage.

Effects of abilities, which were triggered in this Resolve Segment, are put into the Queue and will resolve in the next turn. The turn ends and a new one starts.

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